Ceratogyrus brachycephalus(Ceratogyrus brachycephalus)
Phylum —arthropoda
Class —arachnida
Order —araneae
Family — theraphosidae
Genus – сeratogyrus
They reach up to 5-6 cm in body and 12-13 cm in leg span. Ceratogyrusbrachycephalus has 4 color forms – from gray to light brown.
Ceratogyrusbrachycephalus is found in Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
In nature, it digs holes and hides in them from the heat of the day.
This is a fairly aggressive spider that, in case of danger, stands up and attacks. It is necessary to be very careful and expect a bite at every opportunity. But if there is a good shelter and a burrow, it can retreat.
It eats insects.
Females become sexually mature at 2-3 years old, males – at 1-2 years. Mating occurs during the rainy season. There are from 100 to 1000 eggs in a cocoon.
In captivity
Lifespan is about 15 years.
They are usually kept in vertical terrariums; the spider digs burrows, so the substrate layer should be 10-12 cm. The temperature of 26-28°C, humidity 65-70%. The terrarium is equipped with a drinking bowl. Every four months we wet one side of the substrate, than allow it to dry out.
This species doesn't need a hide, it will make its own burrow. When we change the substrate, we start a two inch (5.08cm) hole for burrowing in the corner of the enclosure.
Its food is forage insects.
The poison is not fatal, but can be toxic enough to cause symptoms such as tachycardia, numbness of the limbs, paralysis of the limb, convulsions. The bite is very painful.
This is not a beginner tarantula, not because of care, but defensiveness, but if you do your homework before acquiring this species, you shouldn't have any problems keeping it.