Therea bernhardti
500-600 rub.

Domino roach (Therea bernhardti)

Phylum arthropoda
Class —
Order — blattodea
Family — corydiidae

Genus – therea


A beautiful species of cockroach. Both sexes look alike, black with white spots, adult size approx. 2-3cm. The upperside of the abdomen is orange-yellow, but is hidden by the tegmina. The white spots only appear once the cockroach is mature, the nymphs are brown/black in color.

The black and white pattern of adults is believed to have evolved to mimic the pattern of the aggressive ground beetle Anthia sexguttata that has strong defenses, including the ability to spray chemical irritants.


Domino roach lives in Southern India.


Like other cockroaches, Domino roach uses chemical pheromones to communicate with each other. When disturbed, they are said to raise their wings and evert lateral glands on the second and third abdominal segments.

In nature, most of the day, these cockroaches hide in the hollows under the roots of trees, in fallen leaves or under rocks, and at dusk they go out in search of food.


These cockroaches feed on various plant residues, as well as droppings.


Once a female has copulated with a male, she does not allow other males to approach, kicking them away with her hind legs. The eggs are laid in leaf litter. Up to 13 oothecae are produced by a female over 3 to 40 days. Once the ootheca is extruded it is deposited in suitably moist leaf litter. Nymphs lead a life hidden below the ground and may go as deep as 30 cm during the dry season.

The lifespan of females is up to 4-5 years.

In captivity

This species is popular as a pet in many parts of the world and is easy to keep.

A plastic box with a lid on latches is suitable for the keeping of these cockroaches. Small holes must be drilled in the lid for ventilation. The soil is usually a mixture of loose earth and cow dung. Also, as a substrate, you can use peat, sawdust or coconut substrate. Its layer should be approximately 2-3 cm. Also, the terrarium can be decorated with fallen leaves which will serve as additional shelters for larvae and adult insects. Spraying with water should be carried out as the substrate dries. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in plastic containers, moisture evaporation is extremely slow. You can use a red lamp or a daylight lamp for lighting. Do not allow the sun to enter the terrarium. The temperature should be maintained at 24-28 °C, and the humidity in the range of 70-80%.

Domino cockroaches are usually given carrots, sweet fruits-pears, and bread. They are very fond of dry gammarus. With the constant availability of fresh, juicy fruits, a drinker is not required. Leftover food should be discarded immediately, so that they do not begin to rot.