Anas superciliosa
14 000 rub.

Pacific black duck(Anas superciliosa)

Class — aves
Order — anseriformes
Family — anatidae

Genus –anas


It has a dark body, and a paler head with a dark crown and facial stripes. In flight, it shows a green speculum and pale underwing. The size range is 54–61 cm; males tend to be larger than females.


This duck found in much of Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, and many islands in the southwestern Pacific, reaching to the Caroline Islands in the north and French Polynesia in the east.


As a rule, birds live in pairs or in small flocks, easily mixing with other ducks.

They have got a loud and hoarse voice; males may hiss softly.


The Pacific black duck is mainly vegetarian, feeding on seeds of aquatic plants. This diet is supplemented with small crustaceans, mollusks and aquatic insects.


The breeding season falls in June-August. Mating often coincides with the availability of sufficient food and water, as well as with the onset of heavy rains. Courtship is accompanied by a special ritual, including cleaning feathers, bouncing and flapping of wings. There can be two broods in one season.

Nestsare located near the water. The nest is hidden in tall grasses or reeds, covered with grass and feathers from the inside. The female lays 8-12 greenish eggs. Incubation lasts 26-30 days.

The average lifespan is up to 10 years.

In captivity

To make the birds feel comfortable, you need to make a pen with a net. Ducks can easily survive at low temperatures, even in frosts, wild birds feel great.

In the poultry house, you need to choose and arrange three places: for ducklings, for 3-4 ducks with a drake and adultbirds. The herd including laying ducks and a drake will hatch many eggs for their keeper. In the poultry house should be not only feeders, but also drinkers, otherwise the animals will look for their own water. Containers for water and feed are also installed on the paddock. If it rains or gets hot outside, the birds hide themselves in the shelter. It is necessary to build a canopy for this purpose.

In summer, birds are provided with a place to swim. It can be a pond or a small reservoir. For ducks, summer is the bathing season. Water should also be in the drinking bowl. This rule is for all months. The water tank must always be full. Only clean, fresh water is good.

Wild birds get small fish from reservoirs. It is recommended to add it to the diet of ducks. You can feed both mixed feed and vegetable mixes. Mineral supplements and vitamins play an important role in the diet of ducks. Vitamin supplements and minerals are added to the mixtures. In separate feeders you should place ground seashell, gravel and chalk.