Poicephalus gulielmi
10 000 - 22 000 rub.

Red-fronted parrot, or Jardine's parrot(Poicephalus gulielmi)

Phylum —chordata
Class — aves
Order — psittaciformes
Family — psittacidae

Genus – poicephalus

Three subspecies are now recognized:

  • Poicephalus gulielmi gulielmi– nominate race. Endemic to the Congo River basin.
  • Poicephalus gulielmi fantiensis– the forecrown is more orange than that of the nominate race; and there is an orange-red or orange on the wings. It's also slightly smaller in size. The plumage below is sometimes a paler green, and sometimes paler green underparts. Distributed from Liberia to southern Ghana.
  • Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus– similar to nominate species, except a paler green plumage; the beak is smaller and the orange-red red markings on the heard are restricted to the forehead. Endemic to the highlands (1800 to 3500m) of southern Kenya and northern Tanzania.


The Red-fronted parrot is 28 cm (11 in) long. It is mostly green and has a short black squarish tail. Black feathers on the head, neck, back, and wings have lighter green edges giving a scalloped appearance. The lower mandible is dark grey and the upper mandible has a horn colored base and a dark grey tip. The irises are red-orange, the eyerings are pinkish-grey, and the legs are grey-brown. The amount of red or orange on the forecrown, the bend of the wing, and thighs varies in the three subspecies but is absent in all young birds – juveniles having a dark smoky appearance above a paler beak and brown irises. The adult male and female are identical in external appearance.


These parrots are found natively in a few large regions throughout the African continent. They are most commonly seen in Liberia, the Congo river basin, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, and others.


Jardine's parrots are fairly noisy, with high-pitched, harsh calls in flight and while perched. Flocks are usually very loud and constantly babbling. While feeding, quieter whistling calls can be heard. Pet birds may learn to mimic human speech.


In the wild, Red-fronted parrots have a diverse diet that consists of seeds, insects, grass seeds and fruits.


The Red-fronted parrot nests in tree cavities. The eggs are white and there are usually three or four in a clutch. The female incubates the eggs for about 27 days and the chicks leave the nest about 80 days after hatching.

In captivity

The average lifespan of Jardine's parrots may exceed 60 years, but most captive birds live about 30 years.

This species is great choice for those who want to "step up" to a mid-size parrot, and their popularity as pets is increasing due to their loyal following and increased availability. Their compact size, sweet temperament and mostly quiet disposition makes them a good choice for apartment dwellers, when compared to the larger, louder parrots.

Their energy level is moderate to high and they should be provided with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation (foraging). They are particularly playful and intelligent, and are capable of developing large vocabularies even without any training and often with human-like qualities. Both the male and female are equally adept talkers. They are animated and clowny birds that easily learn tricks and sound effects, such as phones, whistling, barking, and other sounds that may be typical to your household. Many may become pretty nippy though, so some training may be necessary; and they are heavy chewers and training is necessary to keep your pet from developing bad habits.

This energetic parrots require a large amazon-sized cage with heavy duty bars as they have rather strong beaks.Multiple toys that withstand a good chew are also recommended, including rawhide, leather, sisal rope, twisted cotton rope and various foot toys.

A pedicure perch (also commonly referred to as "grooming perch") is recommended to keep its nails trimmed. Long nails can be very painful when digging into an owner's arm and they can get caught in clothing and toys. If the grooming perch is used for several hours a day, you should never have to worry about clipping your pet's nails again. This can be achieved by placing the perch in an area where your pet likes to hang out.

To achieve the perfectly balanced diet for your pet, you can start with a commercial seed mix specifically designed for Poicephalus parrots. They contain a good amount of oats, millet, sunflower seeds and nuts. For the much-needed vitamins, you should offer your pet regular fresh fruits and vegetables. Some cooked rice, corn, and chicken can serve as a treat and a source of protein as well.